This is one engineer’s view of an important composite of technical milestones. The moon rocket and Saturn V would take the joint effort of many firms and many people – essentially what made America great!
Roger Blocks, as a new Metallurgical Engineer at the Aluminum Company of America, was one of 400,000 engineers who ultimately made a difference. As the most junior metallurgist, he answered the call which many senior engineers refused because of risks that come with the unknown. Recently discharged from active military duty, his job was perfecting a process which would ultimately contribute to 13 successful Saturn V launches. The Saturn V was the vehicle for the Apollo capsule and Lunar Lander which would take men to the Moon.
Roger wants to convey his belief that tomorrow’s child will be rewarded with success provided his or her brain becomes well developed. “The application of Science with Technology as evoked by Engineers within the language of Mathematics is popularly know as STEM. Throw in the elements of art, design and beauty and STEM(A) as taught in the Three Lakes Schools will help to insure that the children of tomorrow will get paid, and perhaps paid handsomely to do what they love and contribute to the betterment of the world.,” Blocks said.
Much more will be covered regarding Block’s work and learning life’s basic lessons with plenty of time for Q & A.
Presented by The Demmer Library and The Three Lakes Center for the Arts